Basic Bread Recipe


This is our go-to recipe, feel free to adjust as you need!


WATER - 75-80%
Use lukewarm water (76-80°F). If working on a hot day, use cooler water (72-76°F) to prevent overproofing.

If you can, use organic bread flour.

Again, organic is the best.

Organic sea salt is recommended since it retains healthy minerals.

LEAVEN - 22.5%
Use a young starter (recently fed and doubled). Ideally, use your starter to create the leaven after the second starter build.

Starter - 25%
Water - 100%
Bread Flour - 100%
Mix the night before you plan to bake.
Allow for 8-10h to double.

Starter - 25%
Water - 100%
Bread Flour - 50%
Whole Wheat Flour - 50%
Mix the morning you plan to make dough.
Allow for 4-6h to double.


Time: 6h dough build plus fermentation
Makes 4 loaves at 500g each
Oven Temp: 500° / 450°
Bake Time: 40 minutes


Water 755g
Levain 225g
Whole Wheat Flour 200g
Bread Flour 800g
Salt 20g


Bread Lame
Dutch Oven or Cast Iron
Food Thermometer
Tea Towels


  1. Refresh your starter and let rise until doubled. Repeat once more.
  2. Once your starter is ready, mix with the leaven ingredients and let sit until doubled (see above recipes depending on your preferred baking method).
  3. In a large bowl, dissolve leaven into 700g lukewarm water. Add and mix flours until incorporated. Let sit to autolyse for 30 minutes or up to 2 hours. A longer autolyse is preferred to strengthen the gluten structure.
  4. Add salt and remaining water, mix to incorporate. Continue working the dough until it is elastic and does not tear away.
  5. Bulk Fermentation: Cover dough and place in a warm spot (72°-75°) and allow to rise for 2-1/2 to 3 hours. Every 30 minutes (4x), turn dough by folding all four sides into the center.
  6. After the initial rise, dust top with a light coating of flour and turn over onto a clean work surface.
  7. Divide the dough into four 500g pieces.
  8. Shape each piece into a round by pulling four corners into the center, turning over, and tucking the edges under the dough to form a bottom center seam. Roll over so the dough is seam side down. Let rest for 30 minutes.
  9. Reshape the doughs into its final shape (boule or batard), then place the dough top side down (seam up) onto a banneton or fabric lined bowl dusted with rice flour.
  10. If baking the same day, place dough in a cool area to do its final proof. Monitor closely; every home is different. If your home is warm, final proof may only take 1-2hours, while a colder kitchen will extend the time. For the last 30m to 1h, you can place in the fridge so it's easier to score.
  11. If baking later, place dough in the fridge for at least 10 hours and up to 36 hours. When ready, bake straight from the fridge.
  12. Preheat oven to 500° F and place a dutch oven or covered cast iron skillet in the oven for 45 minutes.
  13. When ready to bake, place dough on a piece of parchment paper that fits into the dutch oven. Score the top of dough using a sharp knife or razor. Score can as simple as a cross, or try a decorative cut! This is where you literally leave your mark.
  14. Take out dutch oven and carefully place in dough. Cover and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove lid and continue baking for 20 minutes, drop the temperature to 450°F. Remove from the oven and place bread on a cooling rack. Bread is ready when internal temperature reaches 200°, or if bread sounds hollow when bottom is tapped.